Family First Aid Kit
Home first aid kit with essential supplies for a wide range of domestic injuriesIncludes treatment options for minor and serious wounds, eye contamination, small burns, sprains and strains
Contained within green nylon zip-case with large interior pocket
1X First Aid Guidance Leaflet
1X First Aid For Children Leaflet
2X HypaCover Sterile Dressings, Assorted
2X HypaBand Triangular Bandages
12X HypaBand Safety Pins, Assorted
2X HypaCover Sterile Eye Dressings
20X HypaPlast Pink Washproof Plasters, Assorted
1X HypaPlast Microporous Tape
2X HypaTouch Vinyl Gloves, Pair
10X HypaClean Moist Wipes, Alcohol Free
2X HypaCover Low Adherent Dressings, Assorted
1X Scissors
1X HypaBand Conforming Bandage
20X HypaPlast Stretch Fabric Plasters, Assorted
20X HypaPlast Blue Catering Plasters, Assorted
1X HypaClens Eyewash Pod, 20ml
1X BurnStop Sachet, 3.5g
1X HypaCool Instant Cold Pack